TEDxEvansville Helps Us Consider the Possibility of Change

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“The only constant in the world is change.” It’s a quote I’ve heard before and one that has caught my attention again recently. I think it exemplifies my views on TED.

TED is a push to show changes that are possible to make ours a better world. Sometimes TED provides a look back to show us how we came together as a people to accomplish great things. Sometimes TED helps us look inward to see changes we can make in ourselves. And, sometimes TED brings attention to the changes that are molding our future through science and technology.

TEDxEvansville is all about the possibility of change. But it is only that, the possibility. Possibility only becomes reality through the efforts of likeminded individuals who are willing to push forward into that change – into that unknown – because they believe that the pain of change is well worth the bliss of the future world it creates.

Change happens whether we want it to or not. Either we adapt to our new world or we let our world pass us by.

Evansville has proven it can change with new ideas: Having the first municipally owned baseball field still standing 100 years later in Bosse Field, or a joint multi-institutional medical facility that is going to reshape medical education. These changes create long-lasting impacts on the lives in our community.

My hope is that TEDxEvansville is the catalyst that brings these ideas of change into action in our community. So instead of letting the world change around us, we become a beacon of positive change that others can look to.